How to trade with us

Traders can arrive from 6:30 am onwards (outdoor market) and from 7:00 a.m onwards (indoor market). No pre-booking is required for the outdoor market, simply turn up on the day and the market staff will tell you where you can park and trade. We like to keep trading as easy and hassle free as possible!

Trading policies
We require that all traders, whether one-off carbooters or regular traders, abide by the following trading policies:

  • no sale of copied / counterfeit CDs or DVDs;
  • no sale of tobacco of any description;
  • no sale of counterfeit goods of any description;
  • no sale of alcohol

Persons found selling any of the above are liable to be asked to leave the market.

Price list

Car boot prices – these prices apply to the sale of second hand goods:

Basic car boot price (per car, per pitch)
Car plus trailer
Sale of second hand goods from a van

Indoor market – £15 per pitch, regardless of items sold.

Sale of new (i.e. previously unsold) goods:

Sale of goods from a car
Sale of goods from a car and trailer
Sale of goods from a van
Additional pitch
Catering van
The market and car boot sale is open every Sunday, apart from occasional closure over the Christmas and New Year period. Please check Hemswell Market Facebook for up to date information.